New Webinars Added for 2014
Following on from the popular series of webinars launched in 2013 I have added even more for 2014.
Here's What's coming up!
Conversion to Office: May 1st.
Find out where all your favourite features have gone!
Excel Vlookup, IF & Auditing - April 15th 3pm
get up to speed fast on these useful Excel functions
Put Power in Your Presentation - May 8th
Ever thought there must be more than bullet points...there is!
Hidden secrets of Word - May 8th
Find out how to make life much easier with this fully featured popular product.
more info...
Dashboards in Excel – the Easy Way! - Apr 24th
Need to measure your KPIs in Excel
more info...
Pivot Tables Explained - Mar 14th
There is so much you can do with Pivot Tables. Find out now!
more info...
Course Feedback
" John was brilliand, really liked his style" Anna PA
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"Johns' techniques are his strengths. Our most senior management to the super users all enjoyed and learned loads, I would really recommend him" Raj IT Support
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" So much energy and knowledge, thanks John" Peter HR Manager.
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"John got on really well with everyone and we all learned so much, I would really recommend him" Raj IT Support
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" I wish we did this years ago, great work John" Sarah HR Manager
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I Currently have special offers in July so contact me to discuss your needs.
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CALL for the latest dates or to book one of these special offers 07939 083648
or 0208 3500736
Here is what some of our previous delegates have said!
"Very helpful, kept it at the pace I found it easiest to work through. Brilliant "
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"I Should have done this years ago - John made it really easy to understand. I had one to one coaching and now - Dashboards here I come!!!"
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"John was really great. Made everyone feel at ease."
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"Really enjoyed the course and learned loads. Can't wait to get back to work and try it out."
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